His Christmas Cinderella Page 12
“The way he looks at you. The way he laughs when you confront him. All of our lives, we’ve witnessed people bend over backward to accommodate our father. Fawning over him and telling him whatever he wanted to hear. When women started to do that to Jordan, he would get all cagey and cut them loose. We’ve all teased him about his dating history, but I’m starting to realize that the real reason he hasn’t wanted to settle down is that he doesn’t want to end up like Cornelius Taylor.”
“If being like your dad is such a concern for him, why does Jordan still work for the family business? Why does he still live at home?” Camilla didn’t have any experience with the man other than that day he called her by the wrong name. But Jordan didn’t seem anything like their father.
“Because Jordan loves a challenge. And, in a way, he also feels sorry for our father and thinks he can fix things. Jordan seems to think the reason our dad can be so controlling and overbearing with us kids is because deep down, he’s afraid he’s going to lose us. When I decided to move off the ranch to open my own farm, you would’ve thought I told our father that I was leaving the family for good. Who knows? Maybe it reminded him of when our mom left. All I knew was that the harder my dad tried to get me to stay, the more I needed to get out of there. Jordan, though, is the opposite. He thinks he can change my dad’s flaws by working on things from the inside. And maybe he can someday. Did I mention that my brother is very stubborn and determined?”
Camilla sighed. “He’s definitely determined to prove that we’re right for each other.”
“From what I’ve seen so far today, not to mention what I’ve read on social media about his sudden interest in volunteering, there’s no question that you’re the right woman for him.”
Unfortunately, that didn’t mean Jordan was the right man for her. Which meant that Camilla’s conflicting emotions made her feel as though she was right back at square one.
* * *
Camilla cast several furtive looks Jordan’s way on the drive home from Happy Hearts. She’d seen him tired, wound up and even slightly defensive. But she’d yet to see the man in a bad mood, even when one of the grain sacks tore open as he was carrying it on his shoulder and spilled oat pellets all over his designer suit. She’d certainly never seen him as quiet as he was right now.
So when he’d barely said more than a few sentences by the time they were driving down the main street of Bronco Valley, Camilla knew something must be weighing heavily on his mind. Maybe one of Daphne’s comments had gotten under his skin and now he was having second thoughts about finishing out their final week of dates.
An empty pit slowly formed in Camilla’s stomach as she thought about Jordan changing his mind so quickly. Mentally, she’d been preparing herself for it all along, but now that it was about to happen, her body wasn’t ready for it.
By the time he pulled into the side alley parking spot beneath her apartment, her elbow was braced on the leather armrest of the passenger side door, her fingers clenching the handle so she could quickly dive out of the car to get away from the inevitable awkward conversation.
“So, thanks for the ride,” she started, gathering the handles of her purse in her free hand so she could bolt.
“Camilla, before we get out, I’ve been thinking about something the whole way here and I want to just get it out in the open now.” He turned toward her, and that empty pit in her belly suddenly felt like a ton of bricks. His expression was somber without so much as a hint of a smirk or the creasing of a dimple as he continued. “I know we agreed on three weeks. But...”
Yep. Her entire insides went all achy as he looked up at the sunroof, as though he was trying to find the right words to dump her. “But...?” she prompted.
He opened his mouth and she thought, Here it is. “But I’m already done for.”
“So you’re ready to call it quits.” She nodded in acceptance, swallowing her own disappointment.
“No!” His brown eyes widened as he jerked his head back in surprise. Then he reached across the center console to take her hand in his. He had to practically pry her fingers from the death grip on her purse. “I mean I don’t need three weeks.”
“But we haven’t even slept together yet.” Camilla nearly slammed her palm over her mouth. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but she’d thought that if Jordan were going to break up with her, he’d likely wait until after he’d gotten the ultimate prize. “Not that I’m trying to get you in bed or anything. I just figured that you wouldn’t give up before you, uh, sealed the deal.”
“Who says I’m giving up?” he asked.
She tried to ignore the way his fingers were now interlaced with hers. The way his thumb was slowly stroking the soft pad of her palm. “But you just told me you don’t need to spend any more time with me.”
“No, I’m saying that I don’t need another minute to know how I feel. I have totally and completely fallen for you.” His admission shot a rush of adrenaline through Camilla, and her brain went all topsy-turvy. Before she could ask him if he was serious, those playful dimples returned and he brought the back of her hand up to his mouth. “Of course, I am more than willing to sleep together, if that’s what it’ll take to convince you.”
When his lips caressed her knuckles like that, all she could think about was every other spot on her body she wanted him to kiss.
“It’s just that it’s probably too soon for us to be taking things to that level,” she said. Sparks flew through her nerve endings as his teeth scraped against the inside of her wrist. She lost her train of thought as she stared at his very capable mouth.
His eyes stayed focused on what he was doing, his lips brushing against her skin as he spoke. “It kind of feels like we’re already at that level.”
“There’s just so much we don’t know about each...aw, hell.” She cupped his jaw with her free hand and lifted his face to hers for a kiss. It was cold outside, the first hints of snowfall dusting his windshield, but her skin felt as though she could melt an arctic freeze. She was hot and flushed and nearly throbbing with need as they fought against the center console to get closer to each other. When Jordan broke the kiss, she heard a whimpering sound and realized it came from her.
The windows were steamed with the fog of their heavy breathing as they stared at each other, both of them dazed from another heat-filled kiss.
Jordan was the first to break the silence. “I want to do this, Camilla. You have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to do this. But before we go any further, I need you to be sure.”
“I...” She struggled to get command of her thoughts. “I want this, too. But I’m terrified of the fallout. I’m afraid that...” Camilla looked around the interior of the car, trying to find the words.
“You’re afraid I’ll hurt you.” Jordan collapsed against the leather seat, still holding her hand in his own. She was surprised to realize that he hadn’t let go of it this entire time.
“I’m afraid that I’ll let myself get hurt.” She slowly traced the calluses he must’ve earned from all those years of tightly holding on to the ropes and reins, a visual reminder of the way he maintained control at all costs. “And, as shallow as this sounds, I’m afraid that other people will find out and think less of me.”
“I don’t know how anyone could possibly think that.”
“That’s because nobody has ever doubted you, Jordan. You come from a world where you’re the golden prince and nobody has ever called into question what you do or how you go about doing it. You could have your pick of any woman, yet here you are with me. People are going to want to know why and eventually they’ll start speculating that I’m using you.”
“God, woman, I wish you would use me. I’ve practically been at your beck and call, at your complete disposal, these past weeks. I’ve served pancakes and collected trash and washed cars and read to senior citizens and somehow ended up coaching an eight-year-ol
d girls’ basketball team in the hopes that you would use me.”
She knew that he meant the words to be lighthearted, but this was a decision she didn’t want to take lightly. Camilla said as much, then added, “If we decide to get more physical, I don’t want anyone knowing.”
He glanced in his rearview mirror at a cluster of people walking along the sidewalk. People were getting off work right about now and anyone who passed by might see them walk up to her apartment together.
“In that case, give me until tomorrow to plan something a little more discreet. I promise I’ll make it worth the wait. And nobody will have to know.” He smiled with an amount of confidence only he could exude when faced with a seemingly impossible task.
Yet nothing ever seemed impossible for Jordan.
As Camilla watched him drive away, she got a sinking feeling that she was just as much a goner as he’d claimed to be.
Chapter Nine
Jordan wanted his first time with Camilla to be perfect. And in order to do that, he needed to find somewhere away from Bronco. Someplace that was neutral territory and where his name wouldn’t be recognized. One of his buddies from college had a family cabin near Great Falls that overlooked the Missouri River and, as soon as Mac left the office, Jordan made a few calls.
“It’s not much to look at,” Jordan warned Camilla on Tuesday morning when she asked him what she should pack. “But it’s away from here and pretty isolated.”
As they drove to the cabin that afternoon, both silence and anticipation crackled in the air between them. He’d created a playlist of several songs in the hopes that if things got awkward on the long drive, they could at least listen to the same music that they’d danced to at the Denim and Diamonds event. Jordan tried not speed up the mountain roads, like an impatient youth with only one thing on his mind. Yet the closer they got to their destination, the more his nerves hummed along to the beat and the heavier his foot got on the gas pedal.
The long dirt driveway was littered with leaves, indicating no other vehicles had disturbed them recently. When he turned off the engine, Camilla climbed out of the car and studied the log structure. “It actually is a cabin in the woods,”
“I told you it was rustic.” Jordan retrieved a box of food and Camilla’s overnight bag out of the back seat. Telling himself to take his time, he decided to make a second trip for the cooler he’d packed and for his own duffel bag.
“Yeah, but I’ve seen your family’s version of rustic.” She looked at the box in his arms. “So, I’m guessing there’s no private chef here?” she teased. “No concierge to fetch things for us?”
“No. But if you’re lucky, I might bring you room service.”
She’d shed her coat in the car and was standing before him in a blue dress printed with tiny flowers and a square neckline. It quickly occurred to him that this was the first time he’d seen her in a dress since the fundraiser gala. The thin fabric cinched at her waist before softly falling to just above her knees. It wasn’t snowing again, but he was still surprised to see her long golden legs were bare except for the tan cowboy boots. Her dark hair was loose and wavy and her wide smile made his knees buckle. “What’s on the menu?”
“Only one of my finest specialties,” he told her, holding the box higher so she couldn’t peek inside.
“That sounds fancy.” She lifted up on tiptoe.
“You might want to lower your expectations, then.”
She arched her brows. “All of them?”
“Well, the ones about the food. And possibly the decorations inside. Hopefully, I meet all your other expectations, though.”
Camilla’s cheeks flooded with color. “It’s kind of weird knowing that we’re here for just one reason.”
“Not just for one reason, I hope.” Jordan set the box on the front porch as he searched behind an empty flower box hanging from the windowsill. “Even if we didn’t do that, I’d still be happy just having you out here and all to myself.”
He found the hidden key and unlocked the front door, sweeping one arm forward for her to go first. As she passed by him to enter the cabin, she looked back over her shoulder and asked, “Then you’re perfectly fine sitting on opposite ends of the sofa, not touching, just talking?”
He groaned as he followed her inside. “It’ll be tough to manage, but I can do it.”
Luckily, the brown leather love seat facing the fireplace was just as small as the one in her apartment, which meant they couldn’t sit too far from each other. He set her bag on a round pine table and went back to the porch to retrieve the box of food. When he returned, she wasn’t where he’d left her, but the sliding glass door leading out to the deck was open. He put the food in the kitchen before heading out to the car to get the cooler and his own bag.
The stuffy, stale scent of the unused cabin was soon replaced with the brisk, fir-scented air making its way inside, and he took a steadying breath. Take it slow, Jordan reminded himself as he walked out to the deck to join Camilla, only to find that she wasn’t there.
Huh. That meant there was only one place she could be.
Heading to the master bedroom with measured steps, Jordan’s heart nearly stopped when he saw her standing in front of the massive windows framing the entire wall.
“This is breathtaking.” She faced him with that amazing smile and her arms spread wide open. “Who knew some rustic little cabin in the woods would have the best view in the entire state of Montana?”
Jordan barely noticed the expansive curve of the flowing river on display outside the windows behind her. “You mean the second best view.”
He walked toward her, but he didn’t have to go far. She met him halfway across the room.
* * *
Camilla’s nerve endings sizzled in awareness with every taste of him. Jordan’s hands splayed against her back as he held her in place to explore her mouth, the hunger in his kisses matching her own.
There was something about Jordan Taylor that made Camilla feel as though she would never have anything to worry about. He would always take care of everything. And nothing proved that more than the way his capable fingers slowly worked their way down the small buttons along the back of her dress. His knuckles softly grazed her heated skin underneath, giving the briefest taste of what was to come. Jordan always held himself back in the most subtle way, which only served to arouse her into a state of delicious anticipation.
She tried to return the favor of unbuttoning his shirt, but her fingers trembled with excitement. She pushed the crisp, starched fabric off his shoulders, allowing her palms to finally make contact with the smooth, warm wall of his wide chest.
His mouth trailed light kisses along her jaw, down to her neck. She tilted her head back, not only to allow him more access, but also so that she could gasp for more air. The silky fabric of her dress tickled her tingling skin as he eased it down her body until it landed in a pile at her feet.
“I’ll be right back,” Jordan whispered before disappearing from the bedroom. Camilla quickly used the opportunity to yank off her boots, and was standing in front of the bed in only her bra and panties when he returned carrying a small leather toiletries bag. He grabbed one of her hands, and she eagerly followed him over to the side table, where he put down his bag before sitting on the fluffy white comforter.
Jordan shirtless was quite a sight to behold. He was six feet of lean, athletic muscles from his broad shoulders to his chiseled biceps to his narrow waist. He pulled her closer to stand between his legs, his jaw clenched tightly as she traced her hands along the sculpted planes of his torso. When she was touching him like this, looking at him like this, every rational thought went right out the window.
Which was probably why she didn’t realize her bra was gone until she felt a cool breeze on her nipple right before his skilled tongue set it on fire. Her legs threatened to give out as his mouth began a tender assault
on first one breast and then the other.
A whimpering sound tickled her throat, and his steadying hands encircled her waist, holding her upright. She slowly lifted each knee to the mattress until she was straddling him. His palms moved to her rear end, cupping each cheek as he easily lifted her, keeping his mouth on her breasts as he stood and switched their positions.
Now it was her turn to rain kisses down his torso as he stood in front of her.
He remained absolutely still, his only movement the slight shuddering of his muscles as her lips memorized first his toned pecs and then the ridges of his tight abdomen. When she got to his waistband, his breath was coming hard and fast, his chest rising and falling with the frantic pounding of his heart.
Camilla nearly smiled at the thrill of finally succeeding in completely unnerving Jordan Taylor. This time, her fingers didn’t tremble as she confidently unbuckled his belt and then his fly. Her earlier fluttering of anticipation was now replaced by the boldness of determination. She wanted this man and she wanted him now.
His pants were barely down his hips when he reached for his toiletries case and pulled out a packet. Camilla took the condom from him and slid it over the length of his arousal, his groan further empowering her.
Jordan’s thumbs grazed along her jawline, tilting her face up to look into his. His voice was husky and low when he said, “I wanted to make our first time absolutely perfect for you, but I don’t think I can wait much longer.”
“It’s already perfect.” Maintaining eye contact, she shifted herself toward the center of the bed and smiled at him in encouragement. “Please don’t hold back on my account.”
Unlike every other article of her clothing he’d removed so far, there was nothing slow or methodical in the way he desperately dragged her panties over her hips and down her legs. It was rushed, and the realization that she’d made him lose control sent another thrill spiraling through her.
He settled himself between her knees and entered her swiftly, the air rushing out of her lungs as he filled her completely. Holding himself poised above her, Jordan kissed her tenderly as she adjusted to his size. Within moments, though, Camilla rocked her hips against his as her body searched for more contact, more friction, more pressure to satisfy the throbbing desire pulsing from the deepest recesses of her core. He responded at first with short strokes that soon gave way to longer thrusts as he built a steady rhythm that had Camilla writhing with need underneath him.